The development of a chicken can be divided into several stages:

  1. Egg stage: This is the first stage of chicken development. The fertilized egg begins to develop and grow inside the eggshell. The egg stage lasts for about 21 days, during which the embryo undergoes significant growth and differentiation.

  2. Embryonic stage: This stage begins at the time of fertilization and continues until hatching. During this stage, the embryo develops into a complex organism with all the major organs and systems in place.

  3. Hatching stage: This is the stage when the chick breaks through the eggshell and emerges into the world. The process of hatching can take several hours, during which time the chick uses a small egg tooth to break through the shell.

  4. Chick stage: This stage begins after hatching and lasts for several weeks. During this stage, the chick grows rapidly, develops feathers, and begins to explore its environment. The chick relies on the yolk sac for nutrients during the first few days of life.

  5. Juvenile stage: This stage begins when the chick is about six weeks old and lasts until sexual maturity. During this stage, the chicken continues to grow and mature, developing adult feathers and characteristics.

  6. Adult stage: This stage begins at sexual maturity, which is typically around six months of age for most breeds. The adult chicken is capable of reproduction and is fully grown and developed.